Map of Little Big Things Participants



  • Project title: Little big things in Europe and in our local communities
  • Project acronym: LBTINEU
  • Programme: CITIZENSHIP EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission)
  • Sub-programme: Action 1 - Active Citizens for Europe
  • Action: Measure 1 – Town Twinning
  • Sub-action: Measure 1.2. Networks of twinned towns
  • Round: 2013 - Round 1
  • Reference number: 541694
  • Grand decision: nr 2013-1166


«Little big things in Europe and in our local communities (LBTINEU)» is a thematic network project, developed among various european municipalities which are willing to confront themselves with the issue of social-economic development and the creation of new tools for participation for their respective citizens through valorisation and exchange of their local best practices. By a close agreement the promoters intend to perform a pilot project which includes the realisation of six international events on the theme of local development targeted at the key actors of their local communities and useful to raise awareness amongst the general public about the best practices of local and social development promoted by their citizens.
The main theme of the project is to present good practices of active citizenship - little big things of positive experiences achieved locally and linked to the European values that can be utilized to ensure a greater sense of belonging to the European community. The idea is to offer a unique opportunity to learn about the daily lives of citizens of other European countries, to talk and work with them establishing stable relations of friendship that promote a sense of European identity and belonging to the European Union process. All those involved will gain proper understanding of what EU brings in their daily lives, fostering reflection on the cost of non-Europe and strengthening their desire to take part in the European venture.
In detail the project relies upon the voluntary commitment of citizens, in collaboration with their local authorities and local associations. It is an incentive to active participation and encourages exchanges of ideas and experiences on a variety of issues of common interest, thereby raising awareness on the advantages of finding concrete solutions at European level. Due to the combination of these elements, the project has a real potential to enhance mutual understanding between citizens of the partner countries, fostering a sense of ownership of the European Union and finally developing a sense of European identity. Thus the project supports the promotion of European citizenship and democracy, contributes to the development of understanding of the EU and its values and empowers citizens to play a full part in the democratic life of the EU.


The European Union is going through a profound transformation phase concerning economic and social processes in a world that has changed rapidly as a result of globalization. The severe economic crisis is affecting, in particular, the economic and social progress of the peripheral local communities which are victims of mechanisms often beyond their control. The crisis has highlighted weaknesses of the European economy, notably in Greece and south of Italy. Nowadays the real challenge Europe faces is to deliver short-term stability while at the same time developing a vision of Europe for the future. A Europe which promotes sustainable development, employment and defends its values and its social model.

In this difficult framework, the partners of this international initiative have imagined that one of the responses to the current crisis consists in strengthening the processes of European networking. A networking process targeted to share local excellence, to learn from others best practices with the idea that shared knowledge is more powerful. The theme of the project activities, the networking process and the methodologies being experimented can bring added value to the growth of the communities involved.


LBTINEU aims to achieve profound qualitative impact for the citizens of the municipalities involved within the project raising their awareness on the values, rights and opportunities created by the EU. More specifically the realization of the project has a significant impact on the overall local context in the sense that it enhances and shares the local excellences accomplished in the partner municipalities. This is achieved through the involvement of the main key actors in local development: policy makers and the local governments, social organizations, schools, NGO’s and the local private sector are expected to have a lasting impact and a long-term cooperation between the municipalities. In this regard, the project includes the partnership with all major socioeconomic and cultural actors present in the municipalities.
On behalf of the municipalities promoters the project serve to develop the skills and abilities of citizens living in their communities. One of the ideas that emerged during the preparation of the project is the creation of a thematic network aimed to discover and valorize all of the little big things promoted in the partner communities linked to the European values. This network will ensure long-lasting cooperation between the municipalities involved in new future projects in social and economic sectors. During the project, hundreds of citizens and leaders of the local partner communities will participate in an intense transnational exchange of experiences aiming at common development. On these citizens' communities there will be an investment in order to trigger them as an engine for development. Namely the six events of the project bringing together facilitators from different backgrounds will reach out to a wide target group spectrum demonstrating with concrete examples what benefits EU citizenship offers– as private individuals, consumers, residents, workers or political actors.


The project “Little big things in Europe and in our communities” was approved by the European Commission in the context of the programme “Europe for citizens”- Measure 1.2. Networks of twinned towns. The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission (EACEA) co-finances the project up to Euros 142.000,00 on the basis of a flat-rate financing.