Map of Little Big Things Participants

A short introduction to the Bram, France

Since the second century BCE, Bram Gallo-Roman (formerly Eburomagus) developed in the middle of the plain Fresquel, natural outlet to the Limouxin,the Razes, Ariege and Black Mountain.
In the medieval times, it wove its flying stone robe around its beautiful church, offering air looks concentric streets. They mark the stages of its development as furrows: the magic of "circulades" living witnesses of the successive phases of construction of the city!
Bram continued to grow over the civilizations and thanks to its unique position became rapidly a strategic place : the Way of Aquitaine is the firstexample, wide and straight, allowing to easily join Toulouse and Narbonne. With the Canal du Midi much later (seventeenth century), which PROMOTED economic development. Thanks to the railway and motorway of the two seas today, last Bram road linking the main European axes, to complete its economic development.
Thus, historically, Bram was able to enroll in his time, ensuring its own development that harness its geographical position.
But Bram has jealously keep track of its past and its heritage evidenced today: circular village church, Lordat Castle, Park Essar[t]s, Canal du Midi, and especially the
archaeological museum "eburomagus" which shows through more than 4000 pieces of the past buried rich western Aude ...